Alternative Investments

Private Lending Goes Public

Written by Kelly Park Capital | 2023

As banks pivot away from certain lending practices, private funds emerge as nimble contenders, capitalizing on flexibility and tailored risk management strategies.


  • Private lending can be a compelling investment avenue, especially with the rise of lending funds offering a unique opportunity to diversify your portfolio.
  • Lending funds frequently focus on specialized markets or particular loan types, enabling them to specialize and cultivate expertise in those specific areas.
  • The low-correlation to public markets can be a game-changer for astute investors seeking to manage risks and attain a well-rounded portfolio.

Understanding Private Lending

A private lending fund is essentially a pooled investment vehicle that focuses on providing loans to individuals, businesses, or other entities in the private sector. These funds are typically managed by professional investment managers or firms with expertise in assessing credit risk and managing lending portfolios. As importantly, the professional managers of such funds have built a network for sourcing the types of loans in which they invest/lend. Additionally, the relationships built in private lending can lead to enhanced returns. A lending fund's ability to foster close ties with borrowers and carefully assess their creditworthiness can result in better risk management and higher returns for investors. This personalized approach contrasts sharply with the more transactional nature of traditional banking.

Investors contribute capital to the fund, and in return, they become shareholders or partners, depending on the fund structure. The fund manager then uses this pooled capital to originate loans, which can include a variety of types such as real estate loans, small business loans, or consumer loans. The returns generated from the interest on these loans, minus any expenses or losses, are distributed among the investors in the fund.

Private lending funds often target niche markets or specific types of loans, allowing them to specialize and develop expertise in those areas. For example, a fund might focus on real estate development loans, where the fund provides financing for property projects.

Not all private lending must be real estate based. One of the advantages of private funds in this space is that they can employ lending requiring highly specialized skill sets not generally available to traditional bank lenders. For example, there are private funds which lend against fine art. Others may provide financing to jewelry merchants. These are just two examples of lending strategies where the loans are significantly overcollateralized while the skill set required to evaluate and perfect an interest in the collateral is highly specialized. 

The shift from Traditional Banks to Private Lenders

As traditional banks shift their focus away from certain lending activities, private funds step in to fill the void. This shift is not just a trend; it's a strategic move driven by the flexibility and adaptability that private funds offer. With less regulatory red tape, private lending funds can swiftly capitalize on emerging opportunities and navigate dynamic market conditions.

This Apollo sourced chart from a recent Financial Times article shows the private credit market at $1.5trn globally, with significant dry powder for investing.*1

These funds can offer several advantages to investors. They can provide a diversified source of income, as the fund's returns are not solely dependent on traditional market movements.

Private lending can be a compelling investment avenue, especially with the rise of lending funds offering a unique opportunity to diversify your portfolio. What sets it apart is its low correlation to public markets, providing a buffer against market volatility. This non-alignment can be a game-changer for savvy investors looking to mitigate risks and achieve a more balanced portfolio.

However, it's important to note that private lending involves risks, including credit risk and the potential for default by borrowers. Additionally, the lack of liquidity is a characteristic of private investments, as they often have longer investment horizons with limited opportunities for investors to sell their stakes.

Investors considering private lending funds should carefully assess the fund's strategy, the manager's track record, and the overall risk-return profile. Due diligence is crucial, and it's advisable for investors to understand the specific types of loans the fund engages in and the risk mitigation measures in place.

A trend that shows no signs of slowing down

In summary, investing in a private lending fund offers an enticing opportunity to diversify your portfolio with an asset class that dances to its own beat, insulated from the whims of public markets. As banks pivot away from certain lending practices, private funds emerge as nimble contenders, capitalizing on flexibility and tailored risk management strategies. It's a strategic move that aligns with the evolving financial landscape, presenting a smart option for investors seeking a distinctive edge in their portfolios.

A recent WSJ article summed up the current state of private credit quite accurately, we believe, “The private-credit boom is likely to persist due to higher interest rates and regional-bank troubles, which are pushing more borrowers to alternative sources of credit…”*2

  1. Financial Times, November 7, 2023: “Private Debt is Out of Control"
  2. Wall Street Journal, September 19, 2023: “Private-Credit Surge Could Last for Years, Lenders Say” 

This document and the information contained herein is not and must not be construed as an offer to sell securities and is qualified in its entirety by the fund’s private placement offering memorandum. Certain statements included in this presentation, including, without limitation, statements regarding the fund’s investment goals, underlying investment strategies, and statements as to the investment adviser’s beliefs, expectations or opinions are forward-looking statements within the meaning of section 27a of the securities act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”) and section 21e of the securities exchange act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) and are subject to risks and uncertainties. The factors discussed herein and throughout this presentation could cause actual results and developments to be materially different from those expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, the information in this presentation cannot be construed as to be guaranteed.

Privately offered investment vehicles commonly called hedge funds or private equity funds (“Private Funds,” which include fund of funds) are unregistered private collective investment funds that invest and trade in many different markets, strategies, and instruments (including securities, non-securities, and derivatives). There are substantial risks to investing in Private Funds. You could lose all or a substantial portion of your investment in a Private Fund. You must have the financial ability, sophistication, experience, and willingness to bear the risks of an investment in a Private Fund. An investment in a Private Fund entails risks that are different from more traditional investments and is not suitable or desirable for all investors. Only qualified eligible investors should invest in Private Funds. You should obtain investment and tax advice from your advisers before deciding to invest.

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